UMNursing Program

UM Nursing is a collaborative initiative by the University of Maryland School of Nursing (UMSON) and the University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS). The grant offers a unique opportunity for partnerships between faculty and nurses to conduct research focused on nurse-sensitive outcomes in both hospital and community settings.


  • Joint research proposals should examine nurse outcomes in the hospital or community from a team comprised of at least one UMSON faculty member and one UMMS nurse. Nurse sensitive outcomes are defined as patient outcomes sensitive to nursing intervention.
  • The UMSON PI must have a regular faculty appointment (> 51%) at the UMSON. The UMSON PI must complete the pre-award form.
  • The UMMS PI must be employed as a nurse at a UMMS member organization at least 24 hours/week. The UMMS PI must complete the pre-award form.

UMNursingApplications must include the following:

  • Letter of Agreement (this document needs to have all signatures)
  • Abstract (no more than 500 words)
  • Research Plan: All proposals should adhere to the abbreviated NIH R21 grant format to ensure consistency. Please upload the following into one PDF
    1. Specific Aims (1 page limit)
    2. Research Strategy (5 page limit)
    3. References cited in the proposal (not included in research strategy)
    4. Letters of support (e.g. consultants, optional)
  • Detailed Budget: Itemized Description & Justification
  • CV or Biosketches of each PI’s
  • Research Plan: The research strategy addresses background and significance including the innovativeness of the proposed research; preliminary studies and/or quality improvement data; and methods which includes design, subject assignment, sample size and power, inclusion/exclusion criteria, subject recruitment, measurement procedures, independent variable or intervention, dependent variables, statistical analysis, study limitations, and timeline. Include a list of potential research sites, if applicable.

    Please Upload 1 PDF File that includes: 
    1. Specific Aims (1 page limit) 
    2. Research Strategy & Timeline (5 page limit)
    3. References cited in the proposal (not included in research strategy)
    4. Letters of support (e.g. consultants, optional)  
  • Budgets: Expenditures that can be typically supported include:
    • Research Assistant salaries: Please note, when external funding proposals are submitted it is expected that provision will be made within the proposal for inclusion of a research assistant whenever possible and feasible within the guidelines of the funding agency.
    • Equipment, supplies, postage, travel to collect data, computerized literature searches, interlibrary loan costs, Xeroxing questionnaires or articles directly relevant to the approved project, the use of consultant directly relevant to the project (as long as she/he is not within the UM system), or software needed to carry out the project).
    • Equipment purchased with these funds will remain the property of the State of Maryland.  Should the Awardees (Principal Investigator) leave the University of Maryland or UMMS, title remains with UMMS or the University and the equipment is subject to all regulations governing equipment purchased with state funds.
    • Equipment purchased with DRIF is considered a campus resource and should be made available, when appropriate, to other investigators. 

Other items that may be considered for funding include: 

  1. Travel to professional conferences to present research papers/posters. 
  2. Costs associated with saying thank you to other staff/faculty participating in data collection.
  3. Appropriate periodicals or books Investigator salaries are not permitted. 

A supplemental fund of up to $2,500 for scholarship/professional development may be requested by each PI.  


How do I find a nurse researcher at UMMS or Faculty member at UMSON?
Please contact Gyasi Moscou-Jackson to find a UMMS nurse researcher. Please contact Tamara Jackson for a UMSON faculty member.

What are some nurse sensitive outcomes?
Nurse outcomes are defined as the patient outcomes sensitive to nursing intervention.

What is the award amount?
Up to $15,000 for a one-year project. Each Principal Investigator (PI) will receive an additional $2,500 for professional development.

Can I have a team of more than two?
Yes, one needs to be from UMMS and one from UMSON at minimum.

When are applications accepted?
Twice annually on June 1 and December 1.

How can I apply?
Apply for the UMNursing Grant.

When is the grant awarded?
Within 6 weeks of the application closing.