Linda J. Hickman, PhD, MBA, RN, FACHE

Assistant Professor Organizational Systems and Adult Health
- Location:
- Room 325B, School of Nursing Building
- Phone:
- 410-706-4095
- Office Hours:
- By Appointment
- Email:
- PhD, Health Services Administration, University of Maryland Baltimore, Graduate School
- MBA, Marymount University
- BSN, Wesley College
Contracts, Fellowships, Grants, and Sponsored Research
- Date:
- 2021 - 2026
- Title:
- Increasing Nursing Clinical Access and Enrollments
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC)
- Role:
- Principal
- Date:
- 2016 - 2021
- Title:
- Expanding Clinical Instructor, Faculty and Preceptor Resources and Roles to Increase Nursing Clinical Access and Enrollments
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC)
- Role:
- Co-Principal
- Date:
- 2014 - 2016
- Title:
- Ambassador Program to Promote Clinical Instructor Preparation
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Maryland Higher Education Commission
- Role:
- Principal
- Date:
- 2009 - 2015
- Title:
- Extended Master's Preparation of Staff Nurses to Expand Clinical Capacity
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Maryland Higher Education Commission
- Role:
- Co-Principal
- Date:
- 2006 - 2011
- Title:
- Master's Preparation of Staff Nurses- Clinical Instructor
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Maryland Higher Education Commission
- Role:
- Co-Principal
Research Interests
- Academic-Practice Partnerships
Graduate Nursing Administration Practicum
Research Activity
- Duration:
- 2022 - 2024
- Title:
- Nurse Leader Perspectives on Precepting in a Graduate Nursing and Healthcare Administration Practicum
- Description:
- The purpose of this study is to examine nurse leader preceptors' experiences precepting students in graduate nursing and healthcare administration practicums. Participants will be virtually interviewed using Zoom. It is anticipated that the interview will take 30-60 minutes. Participation in this study is voluntary and participants may stop the interview at any time. With the participants’ consent, the interview will be recorded. The researchers will assign participants a number and the participants’ screen name in Zoom will be changed to that number prior to initiating the recording. Only the researchers will have access to the recordings, and the recordings and recording transcripts will be deleted following data analysis and summary. The risks associated with this study are minimal.
- Status:
- Complete
- Hickman, L. J., Petri, L. J. & Connors, J. J. (2024, December). Nurse Leader Perspectives on Precepting in a Graduate Nursing Administration Practicum. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 54 (12), E46-E52. Hagerstown, Maryland, United States: Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health). doi:10.1097/nna.0000000000001516
- Mills, Mary Etta C.,, Hickman, L. J. & Warren, J. (2014). Developing Dual Role Nursing Staff-Clinical Instructor A Partnership Model. JOURNAL OF NURSING ADMINISTRATION, 44 (2), 65-67. doi:10.1097/NNA.0000000000000025
- Year:
- 2024
- Title:
- Academic-Practice Partnership: Mentoring Nurses as Future Leaders and Educators
- Conference/Meeting Name:
- 2024 Maryland Action Coalition, Revolution vs Rearrangement
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Maryland Higher Education Commission
- Location:
- Baltimore MD United States
- Year:
- 2022
- Title:
- Re-envisioning Nurse Engagement & Retention with Professional Advancement Models
- Conference/Meeting Name:
- 2022 Maryland Action Coalition Leadership Summit
- Sponsoring Organization:
- University of Maryland Baltimore, School of Nursing/MHEC (NSPII)
- Location:
- Baltimore MD United States
- Year:
- 2021
- Title:
- Developing Nurse Leaders and Clinical Instructor Capacity through Academic-Practice Partnerships
- Conference/Meeting Name:
- Nursing Science for Leadership in a New Decade
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Association for Leadership Science in Nursing
- Location:
- Chapel Hill NC
- Year:
- 2021
- Title:
- Moving Forward During a Pandemic: Virtual Recruitment Strategies Within an Academic-Practice Partnership
- Conference/Meeting Name:
- 2021 Maryland Action Coalition
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Maryland Higher Education Commission
- Location:
- Baltimore MD United States
- Year:
- 2020
- Title:
- Virtual Preceptorship: An Alternative Model for Graduate Leadership Practicums
- Conference/Meeting Name:
- 2020 Maryland Action Coalition, Future of Nursing: Maryland Leading the Way
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Maryland Higher Education Commission
- Location:
- Baltimore MD United States
- Year:
- 2020
- Title:
- Impact of Academic-Practice Partnerships on Nursing Entry Level Clinical Rotations and Graduations
- Conference/Meeting Name:
- The Future of Nursing: Maryland Leading the Way
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Maryland Action Coalition
- Location:
- Baltimore MD United States
- Year:
- 2019
- Title:
- Future Oriented Academic-Service Partnerships for Nurse Educational Advancement
- Conference/Meeting Name:
- Master's Education Conference of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing
- Location:
- Tampa FL United States
Areas of Specialization
- Hospital Administration, Human Resources, Performance Improvement
Primary Teaching Areas
- NURS 695 Health Services Leadership & Management Practicum
- Name:
- University of Maryland School of Nursing Colleague Excellence Award
- Sponsoring organization:
- University of Maryland Medical Center
- Date:
- May 2023
Academic and Professional Activities
- Date:
- 2024 - Current
- Organization:
- MSN Curriculum Committee
- Role:
- Committee Member
- Date:
- 2023 - Current
- Organization:
- MSN Judicial Board
- Role:
- Committee Member
- Date:
- 2022 - Current
- Organization:
- CNO Staff Nurse Advisory Council
- Role:
- UMSON Faculty Member
- Date:
- 2007 - Current
- Organization:
- American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), Pathway to Excellence
- Role:
- Panel/Accreditation/Certification Team Member
- Date:
- 2020 - Current
- Organization:
- Maryland Nurses Association (MNA)
- Role:
- Manuscript Reviewer/Referee
- Date:
- 2005 - 2020
- Organization:
- American Red Cross of the Delmarva Region
- Role:
- Board of Directors